Academia was the school of  Plato.
The most prominent student of  Plato was Aristotle.
His school was held at the Lyceum.

Here, the idea of  Lyceum is being born.
Lyceum is not an institute. It is an idea.
The idea that academia, the scientific community & the higher education,
urgently needs to transform and evolve
to be able to uphold the two core principles of science:
the pursuit of truth above all else
​​​​​​​& serving the public good.

Lyceum Scientific Charity
Academia's New Version

Arbitrary metrics above seeking truth

Commodification of science

An inefficient system for generating ideas & their experimental validation

Forgetting public benefit as a

The current system
​​​​​​​of academia faces
​​​​​​​serious problems

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In Lyceum, the scientific community will cooperate and commit to get beyond the current limitations
of academia

As an exemplary solution, an open platform can be formed to execute these strategies  to enhance creativity, quality, and the  added value of scientific research.

1. Decentralized and open submission    of research ideas:
Anyone can propose research ideas and the ingenuity and creativity of scientists will not get buried beneath bureaucracies.

2. Centralized assessment of research proposals and devising the most    rigorous experiments:
The best and most needed research proposals will be selected by committees of experts along with open submissions of commentaries and suggestions. The most rigorous experiments will be devised,  ensuring the conduction of the highest priority research with the utmost quality and reliability.

3. Unified execution of the approved experiments:
The approved experiments are designated to several scientific teams with the necessary capabilities around the globe. This way, the two roles of generating research ideas and experimenting them get separated. Many biases of scientists, including confirmation bias, get neutralized and the chances of malpractices like falsification of data plummet.

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to build together the future version of Academia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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